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Yahoo Mail IMAP Settings
Oriol Zertuche avatar
Written by Oriol Zertuche
Updated over a week ago

IMAP server settings for Yahoo Mail

IMAP is the best way to connect your Yahoo Mail account to GoCRM. It allows 2-way syncing, which means everything you do in GoCRM is reflected in your Yahoo Mail account no matter where or how you access it.

In order to connect your Yahoo email account, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Yahoo Mail account on

  2. Click on your avatar on the top right corner and then click on "Account Info"

  3. On the left menu click on "Account Security"

  4. Click on "Manage app passwords"

  5. On the dropdown that reads "Select your app" select "Other App" and then type in GoCRM

  6. Click "Generate"

After following these steps, Yahoo will generate an alternative password for you which you can use to connect your Yahoo email account to GoCRM.
Now go to GoCRM and click on "Connect Email Account" and follow these steps:

  1. Select "Other" from the pop-up that you'll see after clicking the "Connect Email Account"

  2. Insert the following details in the form that you'll see on your screen:
    Email: your complete email address
    IMAP Host:
    IMAP Port: 993
    IMAP Username: your complete email address
    IMAP Password: the password generated by Yahoo after following the steps indicated above
    SMTP Host:
    SMTP Port: 465
    SMTP Username: your complete email address
    SMTP Password: the password generated by Yahoo after following the steps indicated above

  3. Click "Connect" and your email should now be linked to GoCRM


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