Your dashboard features the most recent activity alongside a variety of widgets on your left side showing you the most vital information on your sales team.
Recent Activity
All communication activity sorted by the most recent will show up on your dashboard's feed. This includes email, SMS, phone calls, voicemails, form submissions, and more across all contacts. Users with administrative roles will be able to see other users' activity as well as their own.
The filters on your top left will allow you to get the most functionality out of your feed allowing you to see certain activity types such as phone calls or text messages, and select which user you'd like to see it from.
Total Pipeline Worth
The total pipeline worth on your feed is the accumulative value of all your active deals.
Create Deals
Create deals in order for this value to populate.
→ Deals
The goals widget displays a list of objectives set by the team manager, within a timeframe. You can monitor the progression of these goals in real-time from your dashboard. These goals can include, number of phone calls per week, or total number of deals won per month.
Setup Goals
In order to set up goals please view this related article.
→ Goals
The task widget gives you a list of the upcoming tasks you may need to complete based on how close the due date is. You can click on the checkbox in order to mark a task as completed or you click on the contact name in order to view the full contact profile page.
Create Tasks
To create tasks, take a look at our tasks article.
→ Tasks
The appointment widget gives you a list of your upcoming appointments based on the closest due date. You can click on the appointment title to view and edit any information regarding the appointment. Once the appointments date and time have passed it will not be shown anymore.
Create Appointments
To create tasks, take a look at our tasks article.