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Oriol Zertuche avatar
Written by Oriol Zertuche
Updated over a week ago

Setting up Deal Stages

Every Deal has its own set of stages that a deal moves through on the flow By default, we include the following Deal Stages: Incoming, Won and Lost. You can create or modify the stages to fit your Sales Pipeline. To customize the deal stages, open Settings > Deals Stages page in your GoCRM account. You can rename pre-existing stages to match your workflow, and you can add new stages under Intermediate Stages by selecting Add New.


Creating a Deal

To add a Deal manually, open the main Deals page in your GoCRM account and click on Create Deal.

You will be prompted to enter your deal name, estimated amount, deal stage, and what contact it is related to. Then click Save.

Deal Rot

Deals that may be at risk of being lost due to being inactive for a long period of time will turn orange on the board. This will highlight them for your sales team to make sure they don't slip through the cracks.

Pipeline Settings

To create and manage multiple pipelines please review our multiple pipelines article in the link below.

Multiple Pipelines

To create and manage multiple pipelines please review our multiple pipelines article in the link below.

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