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Contact Page
Oriol Zertuche avatar
Written by Oriol Zertuche
Updated over a week ago

Contact Pages in GoCRM provide a centralized view of contact data and communications. You can also see panels on Contact Pages to display additional information that includes tasks, appointments, deals, and relationship strength.

Contact Settings

Each contact page has a settings menu next to the contacts name.


Edit will allow you to edit all contact attributes.


Attribution menu, lets you edit the data related to where the contact originated from, including source, channel, and campaign. This data is useful for marketing reports.

Add to Segment

This option will allow you to add a contact to a static segment directly from the contact page.


You can share limited access to contact with your team by adding users as collaborators. Collaborators have a full view of all contacts activity but cannot delete the contact.


You can transfer ownership of the contact by utilizing the transfer option. Once the contact has been transferred you will no longer be able to see it unless you add it as a collaborator or have admin permissions.


Delete will remove the contact permanently.


Actions are the different activities you can do directly with a contact.

Log Activity

There is occasions when we need to add additional information regarding a contact. The log activity box allows you to do just that. Sometimes we receive a call in our personal number, or had a meeting we couldn't account for. By utilizing the drop down you can select what activity type took place.

When needing to confirm your location during a meeting you can use Check-In to grab your approximate geo-graphic location.

Make a Call

GoCRM allows you to call your contacts directly from your web browser from the Make a Call tab. By utilizing the drop down, you can select the contacts phone you'd like to call. When you click the Call Now button the call will begin and you can type notes during the call within the Notes field.

When you initiate a call for the first time you will be prompted for permission to use your microphone, make sure to click Allow.

In order to make calls be sure to setup your Phone Number first.

Send SMS

Text messaging through GoCRM doesn’t require any additional setup because it uses your existing GoCRM number. Simple go to the Contact page and click on the Send SMS tab. Simply type in your message in the message box and click on the paper clip in order to include any additional image attachments, and click Send.

In this tab you will see the option to use pre-existing templates that you can setup under Settings > Templates.

→ Templates

Send Email

Utilizing GoCRM built 2-way email sync, you can also send emails directly from the contact page on the Send Email tab. You will be prompted to enter a subject, email body, and an option to include attachments. Once you've filled it in simply click Send. You can also set up templates in Settings > Templates.

In order for the Send email tab to work, there must be an email present on the contact information, as well as have your email setup. Don't forget to also set up your email signature which will be automatically attached.

Add Task

With the ease of communication through GoCRM, the add task tab allows you to quickly schedule a follow-up reminder.

Under the assigned to drop-down, you can select the person who will be doing the task, then set a due date on the Due on the field. Next set an Alert, to be notified on or prior to the due date. Finally, you have an option to Notify Assignee, which lets the person whom the task is assigned to that a task has been created for them immediately.



Have a meeting to attend to? Quickly create an appointment by jumping to the Schedule tab. By default, you will see yourself and the contact as attendees, but on the right side, you can remove yourself and add colleagues if necessary. You can also enter an event name, location, date, and description of the event. Then set duration and an alert if you'd like to get a reminder of when the meeting is happening.

Activity Feed

The activity feed is a compilation of all the inbound and outbound actions and activities associated with the contact, performed by any member of your team. They will be listed in chronological order.

Activity Feed Filters

On the upper right corner of the activity feed, you will find filters, in order to drill-down the activities you'd like to see. If you want to see a Team Member's notes. Simply select the team member, then select the Note activity. It will filter the entire feed automatically.

Relationship Strength

The relationship strength metric is an easy way to see how well your team communicates with that contact. It automatically updates based on inbound, and outbound emails, calls, text messages, and meetings with the contact. It also takes into account that contact statuses frequency to determine, how often you should be in touch with that contact


To update the contact statuses frequency check this article.


In the sidebar of each contact, you will see the Deals panel, you can easily create a deal associated with the contact directly by clicking Add Deal.

Creating Deals

For more information regarding deal, creation visits the Deals article.


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